Sunday, May 2, 2010

April 28 dream

Hi there.

so i just woke up from dreaming that i was a member of a team that was orbiting a foreign inhabited planet for observation before first contact.

It was the end of our 3 year shift and i was flying back in our little pod to earth. there was a dog on the station and his owner was super cool and thought about letting him go back with us but he didn't come through the door when it pressure locked.

most of us were sort of ragtag.

we understand the basic science and everyone has a specialty but in general we are just regular folk with a sincere interest in people and most of us were super positive which perhaps was our skill.

there were two other girls around my age on the pod with me back and it seemed like our little crew was pretty tight, we even lived together on earth in a common apartment and part of our pod talk involved who might have condoms left since we had sublet to the other rotation.

I like the visual aspect of this dream it was REALLY involved and i especially like that there were these pad sized 'post cards' (lol spellcheckker just deleted the i infront of pad) that were supposedly technology gleaned from the colony we were observing and they allowed us to make contact to our earthbased families while in faster than light travel… pretty rad no?

Also, have you seen 'moon'. best movie of 2009… in my opinion.

Also Also, don't bother watching Leviathan. Lame-i-thon.

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