Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Toronto Vs. Nagoya Artfight at the Nagoya Arts festival

So about a month ago, i was on the phone with the poison control peeps looking for confirmation that i hadn't absorbed an unhealthy amount of wintergreen oil (which i had to sign for at the pharmacy) by doing the photo transfers for this call for entry.

It was a very hair-raising learning curve but mostly it was fun. 

I watched the first two Rambo movies whilst embroidering explosions on pictures of a 'dream home' and 'fantasy castle' in this 'FAIRY TALE ENDINGS' series. 

It was one of those opportunities that comes up to challenge yourself to make something spontaneous and capturing where you are at that one particular moment. 
I'm glad that i did it, but it isn't my proudest achievement. 

Also, i named my stapler 'RAMBO' as a result of this weekend.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Weight Control

This is the scene of my wednesday night reality check. 

I've been 'thinking light' for the past well... i won't say how many months but i can tell you this; i've got wardrobe compaction, down to a science!!!!

Tonight i tried to squeeze all my sweet and wonderful favourites/staples into the suitcase i plan to take with me to seattle.

I will be flying internationally and therefore i can bring with me two bags each weighing under 50 lbs.

It turns out that that won't be as difficult as i expected. 

All of my careful and perhaps neurotic planning is going to good use and i will arrive, well dressed, and comfortably within the 'average weight for my economy class flying self.  I'm going to make a master manifest tonite of what i am bringing.  It will make the non-test run of packing a breeze.

I'm just going to say it, I'm very proud of my ingenuity. 
This truly feels like a TRIUMPH!

Also... I'm going to be the one woman force bringing back SHOE CLIPS!!!

You heard it here first.
How else will one pair of grey shoes go with silver/gold/navy AND black!!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Journaling is so much more than recording details, or keeping track of the order of events.  (I have Ical for that!)  
While waiting for the shipment of my favourite journals (GALISON, Write On! style) I have just had a week of 'GASP' not journalling.  Yesterday I even considered NOT journalling anymore at all because it wasn't really that difficult, but why would I DO such a thing!

Never have I been more aware of how important that process has been in my life. 
I guess, looking back, that i have always kept a journal of some kind.  I think it started when i was a preteen, just after my parents divorce and just in time to start recording my outlandish first dealings with boyfriends and the women they drive crazy!
I've gone through some phases to be sure, college years were less journal, more 'little black book of to do lists'. I actually managed to keep it all in one journal for my thesis year of university, and since graduation, i've been using the Galison's to keep in touch with myself. To spur myself forward and really think out my wants/needs/goals.

I love journaling, I love that element of twenty/twenty hindsight that comes with being blatantly honest with yourself, and putting it in writing. 

These are more than JUST journals, these are love letters to myself

Instead of calling an end to this love affair, we're going to some couples therapy, me and my journal are going to be adventurous, try new things: Mindmapping, ToDoList Inclusions, Sketches, Poetry, wherever my mind and body lead me!