Saturday, November 8, 2008

Metal Arts Guild MAGazine!

Its been a busy month for my CV bibliography!

A few days ago i got my copy of the Fall issue of Metal Arts Guild's MAGazine in the mail, the issue that my article on Stephen Fox Clarinets is in! So exciting!!!!
A few days later i was asked to contribute another (more technical) article on Lily Yung which was a lot of fun to do because not only did i get to do more writing for a professional-type organization of my peers, but i learned lots of stuff as well... particularly about 'rapid prototype technology'.  Look out for that one in the winter issue of MAGazine. 
P.S. I couldn't have done it without my LOVELY and mildly threatening editor and best friend Maegan. :) Thanks babe!

Anyhoo, i'm proud of my little article, its on newsstands now!

1 comment:

Maegen Black said...

I enjoy that you described me as mildly threatening. You did a great job on those articles, though, lady! Keep it up!