1. Peanut Butter
2. Sitting on my new Zafu
3. Freshly trimmed ends
4. Tuba Dents that i can actually reach (until i get magnets and then i'm dents unlimited)
5. North American Long Distance Calling
6. Sun Breaks!
7. Coffee, even the gross work kind.
8. The Tyee's arts section
9. Text message invitations
10. People who 'pop by' my work and brighten my day!
11. Wednesday Chats with my coworker
12. My GARDEN!!!
13. Zee, the best roadbike i've ever loved. Free, and she shifts even though the cables nearly cut right through!
14. Mclaughlin group and smoothie sundays
15. Walk/Talks with mom in the afternoon.
16. Bumping into people I know in Vancouver!
17. Pop Radio Thursdays
18. my wallet sized photo of the Harasewich Family.
19. The Brittania Centre & Pool!
20. The Pogues
21. Cheap wine from south of the border.
22. Magazines. Still, yes, i know...
23. Spray Tanner, i think dyeing my skin is still better than dying of skin cancer.
24. Legumes. I hardly eat meat anymore at all... and i'm down with that. Lentils are my fave.
25. Okay, Mole Salami from Salumi in Seattle.. MOST AWESOMENESS
26. Grandville Island Winter Ale.
27. Skype
28. Being friends with my childhood friends parents.
29. Helping people with their bags, holding doors, being kind.
30. High Fives with the print music kids.
31. The mountains! They are my neighbors.
32. Roadtrips to Seattle and Environs to visit my favourite americans!
33. Lardizabol.
34. Cookie Day!
35. When the rain chases me home on my bike and I win!
36. Thinking up new ways to use all my free time
37. Making lists
38. Nesting in my new home city
39. Checking out local bands and co-workers shows.
40. A good americano.
41. Kissin'
42. Football... you know what i mean! And the american kind, mostly the superbowl.
43. My fur earmuffs
44. Bert my workplant
45. Yamaha chrome plated conical dent roller
46. Scifi reads
47. Facebook, and the people it has brought into my life unexpectedly!
48. The luck i have finding just what i need and what i didn't know i needed.
49. my long hair!
50. being an independent woman, with lots of support.
51. Jam it, Pickle it, Cure it! and my project
52. Lapping the old folks in the swim lanes!
53. Playing my brass' (tbone/euphonium/trumpet)
54. Grey's Anatomy nights with girlfriends.
55. Dance Parties with the Maddams Family Gang
56. Seattle! I love that city.
57. Evrott HiJinks!
58. Renting a car for the weekend.
59. Sarah Brett and Jimmy!
60. Getting letters/postcards and emails from loved ones.
61. Popcorn and SoyaSauce
62. Wintersoup Library.
63. The library's selection of dvd's
64. Power Yoga once in a while
65. Blackberry Season
66. Mountain Snowboarding
67. Wes Anderson Movies.
68. Cereal Anarchy
69. My L A B E L M A K E R
70. Red Shoes
71. High Thread count Sheets
72. My rock collection
73. Starfishes! Orange, Gold, Red and Purple!
74. Ballet and modern Dance.
75. My theatre, the cultch!
76. RTC Bakery, You Complete me.
77. Orange Hand Cleaner with Pumice
78. Sleeping in!
79. Biking downhill to work.
80. Camping in the rainforest
81. Moss on EVERYTHING
82. Flip Flops.
83. My fish Manny
84. Singing to myself.
85. Freezing things.
86. RUST
87. Cephelopods, as always. (except humboldt squid, they're bitches)
88. My family. Coolest EVER.
89. Partying during the 2010 olympics, i will NEVER forget it!
90. My Crazy and Crazier Dreamscapes.
91. Babies. They're cool. Because they're people.
92. The Canucks! Inspiring me to actually enjoy hockey.
93. Barack Freaking Obama and the new left realism.
94. My soon-to-be-city bike! (Blight! Short for Blue-Lightning)
95. Slippers.
96. Accents, and boys who have them.
97. Menswear. Good Tailoring. Bowties, Neckties, Cumberbunds, Suit Jackets, Suspenders, Hats, Moustaches and snappy shoes.
98. Romance.
99. The beach, tide pools, tide flats and old men tanning.
100. Sunshine, Glorious, Beautiful Uninhibited Sunshine!