i spent much of today (the part i didn’t spend sorting worms from my fresh compost mulch) re-arranging yet again as things have bloomed and spread at their own paces.
I am not sure why somethings are just killing and others are sort of stopped, but i’m trying to pay attention to the rythms of the plants as we go. My cherry Tomatoes are absolutely rocking house. So many flowers, soon i know i will be flush with little balls of sunshine!
Found a new planter on my way home today and i had built one the other day so i was able to spread my pepper plants into the bigger of the two to keep them out of the way of slugs.
I have resolved my slug issues at least with the bigger stemmed plants like squash by cutting the bottoms out of plastic containers and putting them around the stems and a little into the soil. I think because the plastic is a little jaggedy they don’t go up and over, or at least they haven’t yet and its been a few weeks.
I’ve seen some flowers on my biggest squash plant and am hoping the trend continues on the other four!
strawberries are getting busy and i’ve moved them up into the windowboxgarden where they get more consistent sun and they have more area to droop… go everbearing!
my beets now take up a whole 2ft section of the garden and should get lots of sun. its too bad i waited to figure that out until now, but at least i’ll have them in the fall… same with the chard, looking forward to some winter greens!
Pepper plants look well and are shiny green.
The big topsy turvy planter is surprising me by growing up along the outside edge of the ‘planter’ bag.. but it too is flowering now.
i put in a section of carrots today and popped a couple radish seeds in between the cucumber plants to take up the room around those roots as they grow. I don’t love radishes but i can appreciate them for their practicality.
scarlet runners are all flowery so soon there will be beans.
sor of wish i had grown sweet peas instead of wax beans. next year or maybe even edamame?
i replanted my cilantro and dill because they got weird and stringy and never filled in. i have them in a planter where the roots will be more concentrated and where i can keep a better eye on them so they don’t flower out.
i also razed and replanted salad mixes in the box and reclaimed the old strawberry pot for spinach. i would eat spinach all the time i don’t know why i have let that tarry. soon i will.
anyway, i’m content that i am done mucking about for the next few weeks. hopefully my next garden task will be to pick!
-love kiki!
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