Hey blog: How do you feel about being re-directed for a while towards my newest obsession?
Sure! I'm game, write all over me!
Cool! Well I finally bought my very own copy of 'Jam it, Pickle it Cure it!' By Karen Solomon and in so doing broke my debt repayment rule of 'NO book's until the debt's gone'... but it was a conditional rule break.
I broke the rule because: I have a plan.
B: -Oh no, not another plan!
Oh yeah, I'm gonna work my way through every recipie in this book, not unlike the whole julie/julia thing... but well... cooler because this book is cooler. To me. Seriously, Curing my own bacon... SO THERE!
Is that sanitary?!
Well wether or not it is, i'm darn well going to do that, and the rest of the recipies/projects in this book and expand my repetoire of things even further because in life, i am the jill of all trades and master of none.. and darn proud of it!
That certainly is true.
Great, so you're on board! Its up to you to record my wins and losses in this particular trail of kitchen related escapades and even when its feeling tough, and as though there isn't any point in making yet another batch of homemade toaster tarts, (less salty this time) there is a magical outcome that doesn't involve a movie deal or a hug from meryl streep... although you know how much i like hugging famous people and discretely clipping a lock of their hair for DNA analysis and later genetic mapping.
Ok, GO! Whats the magical culmination of this forlorn and somewhat pre-emptively self-depricating goal?
I'm going to San Francisco!
Not only has Ms. Solomon Written an awesome book that is so well photographed and typeset i want to lick the pages, she's tucked away her personal secrets and scores in 'The Cheapskates Guide to San Francisco'. Wouldn't you know it, i've never been there as an adult... and i'm broke.
Sounds formidable.. but surprisingly well considered.
Thanks self-talking encouragement voice that i have so far called 'blog' (or Blahg in this printing)!!! Lets Get Cracking!
Note to self:
The next few posts will be backdated to relfect their original entry on the interweb.
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