This is the scene of my wednesday night reality check.
I've been 'thinking light' for the past well... i won't say how many months but i can tell you this; i've got wardrobe compaction, down to a science!!!!
Tonight i tried to squeeze all my sweet and wonderful favourites/staples into the suitcase i plan to take with me to seattle.
I will be flying internationally and therefore i can bring with me two bags each weighing under 50 lbs.
It turns out that that won't be as difficult as i expected.
All of my careful and perhaps neurotic planning is going to good use and i will arrive, well dressed, and comfortably within the 'average weight for my economy class flying self. I'm going to make a master manifest tonite of what i am bringing. It will make the non-test run of packing a breeze.
I'm just going to say it, I'm very proud of my ingenuity.
This truly feels like a TRIUMPH!
Also... I'm going to be the one woman force bringing back SHOE CLIPS!!!
You heard it here first.
How else will one pair of grey shoes go with silver/gold/navy AND black!!!!
hey, just incase you can't fit everything into your two suitcase limit.. you could always try and ship a few boxes by greyhound. Brett and I shipped a crap load when we moved out west and it was super cheap.. ha ha ha brett even shipped one of his amps... although.... on the otherhand I have seen what a great packer can do.. kathryn had a floor lamp packed away in one of her bags..Amazing!
She is amazing that katherine.
I just finished packing all four of my bags for the final and real time, and everthing it seems, fit into them that i want to take.
I packed mactac to make new cutouts for my room, and two lights and all of my basic kitchen stuff, my radio... I'll be alright once i get there, but i will miss my black and white t.v. with McLaughlin group on sundays.
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