Monday, May 5, 2008

What i've been up to lately:

Come check out the 'BEND/FOLD/MANIPULATE' exhibition online, or to the opening next thursday evening between 6:30 and 9:30.  The work will be on display at A.C.A. Gallery at 183 Queen Street East Wednesdays through Saturdays from May 14th to May 28th, 2008.

My work in this show is entitled 'Inhale';

The concepts of 'nature' and 'humanity' are perhaps nowhere more closely intertwined than in medical technologies. We use machines and drug that seem so far removed from the natural world, yet these are often made from natural substances. 'Inhale' begins with oxygen masks, parts of machines used for breathing and administering anesthesia.  In this way they preserve the most natural, animal parts of us: beating hearts and breathing lungs.  The local wildflowers that adorn this series (Purple Cone Flower, New England Aster and Butterfly Milkweed) each contribute to the health of the environment here in Ontario.  They provide shelter and nourishment to insect pollinators necessary for maintenance of biodiversity in the broader environmental context.

With each breath, as with each of our decisions we contribute change to our surroundings.  As we re-think the cultural logic of our place in the world let us consider what it is we are exhaling. 


I'm really proud to be a part of this show, and to be on my way to becoming a 'for real' artist.  It feels good because i'll just make stuff anyway.

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