Tomorow is the gallery opening for a show i'm involved in.
Every time i put work into a show i think to myself... you should have a business/contact card like all the other professionals here so people ca
n contact you if they would like to... or so they can see what a great artist you are in other media.
I've been hulling and cutting 'header cards' from work for a week or two in preparation becasue i don't beleive in buying something you can reclaim. They're cute and have a hole in them already in case i need to hang them from a cup hook or tie them onto a gift box. Then, last week i took my expert artist freind to get a three line self inking stamp from business depot, and tonite while
watching the top model finale, (YAY WHITNEY!) i cut out the stamp for the back side of my new cards.

Tonite, i printed them, so that they will be dry and beautiful for tomorow's opening and i'm very impressed... Things like this don't usually work the FIRST time, but i guess after years of buggering up and putting a word/all the letters in reverse i've somehow LEARNED to do a good job. Who knew!