Hoodwink is a new hat i JUST finished but have been thinking about for a while. Its sort of a maiden hat, but reminds me of Finnish Christmas elves. It has earflaps to keep lobes warm and an elastic back strap so that you can wear it with your hair tied back. I am really excited about finally making this pattern and putting it together as it is something i've been thinking about for a while... a little nervous about the reception it will get the next few days though... maybe its over the top 'pointy'.

This hat kind of has a story too... i designed it because i cut a fringe of bangs in front which was supposed to help me stop tying my hair back all the time but i still do... I like the fringe and i think i look cute and chipmunky with it... but when i wear a regular toque i look like a roadkill chipmunk.
So yeah, when I become a style icon in the future (accidentally of course, who.. moi??)
this may be one of the objects that led to my greatness... all credit due to vanity!
Look for it on the Oscar's red carpet this weekend...
Hope everyone likes it as much as i do.
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