Its been a lot of feeling like 'i don't like to exercise' and now I think I'm getting it, because I have found my 'thing'.

There is nothing better than setting the pace in the lengths lane at the pool, even if it is an evening swim attended primarily by seniors from my hood.
I love doing this, and I absolutely love the resulting toning in my body. I am wearing all the same clothes but they just fit better now.
I wore a (cutest) little hepburnesque gingham silk top to the Gala event at the Cultch the other day. I put it on and thought; 'this has never looked right, I bulge out of it' and yet, to my surprise; It fit BEAUTIFULLY!

I relished the occasional top shelf reach because it showed off my smoother than ever tum!
Hooray for having a pool down the street! I won't go back to frumpy when fabulous is so fun!!!