I have been pondering the design of reusable bags for some months now. I use them almost every day... at least twice a week when picking up food and other fun stuff at the shops on my street.
I have one 'reisenthal' bag, which is large enough for a whole trip and hangs nicely from my shoulder but has a silly little pouch that you're supposed to use to carry it in which is useless.
I started planning my pattern, wanting to make the most economy of the material i had, and intending to include an inside pocket that, like those on a k-way jacket would also serve as a little built in 'pocket-ita' to store the bag while it isn't being used.
I think i've got it down now, after several failed attempts.
I'm just trying to decide what to print on the bags... something kind of fun and or witty would be great... but failing that, just something pretty would do.
I'm off to google quotes about sustainability.
I think my fall back will be 'Hold Me'
I'll be giving these as christmas presents this year... and as with the Fleurs D'a Fare, intend to use the feedback about them as fodder to perhaps start making them to sell in some of the shops arround town.
Happy to be 'in production'!
This is the final design folded up into the inside pocket its about 5" square. :)